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Announcing the Graduate Journal of Food Studies 2.2 & the End of Food Puns

Look no further for groundbreaking scholarship, throught-provking book reviews, and stirring art from emerging scholars. The third issue of the Graduate Journal of Food Studies (volume 2, no. 2) is now live online.

The issue starts with editor-in-chief Carla Cevasco’s insightful letter, “I hate food puns,” which urges us all to refrain from foodie figurative language in an effort to bolster the intellectual foundations and popular perceptions of our field. Gone be the “food fights,” “seats at the table,” and, sigh, “food for thought.” I especially love her assertion that these phrases make food studies appear “fun” and approachable, but in the end, “Food studies should not be easy.” Our topics may be quotidian. That’s what makes them powerful and meaningful. Our conferences and events may consider eating and drinking primary. That’s experiential learning and intellectual embodiment, purposeful commensality and mindful consumption. Our work speaks to students and the public. That’s how our field will continue to expand and survive. Food studies is not a passing fad nor a field of inquiry with soft edges. As Carla argues so well, its acuity deserves accurate representation and rigorous contemplation.

This third issue of the journal answers this call, as it takes food seriously with articles addressing the 2013 EU meat scandal through analysis of the spectacular, the emergence of budget cookbooks in America, and Vermont’s alternative food systems. The issue also includes gorgeous meat landscape paintings by Eliza Murphy and ten book reviews, including mine (!) of A Cultural History of Food History in the Modern Age, edited by Amy Bentley with eleven essays from a truly all-star cast of contributors. It and this entire issue are worthy of a deep read, and we, the editorial team, hope you enjoy it.



  1. Sara Davis says

    Looks like a wonderful issue! I’m particularly happy to support a moratorium on food puns in food scholarship. I mean, certain idioms can’t be avoided–the way we talk about reading and thinking is saturated with food figurative language!–but I’m glad to see less and less punning in article titles, arranging chapters into a “menu,” or appending random recipes to books that do not focus on recipes.


    • emilycontois says

      Thanks, Sara! I’m so glad, but not surprised, to hear you agree. Oh! And I’m finally getting caught up on my Render reading and LOVED your “Southern Discomfort” piece.

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      • Sara Davis says

        Oh, thanks! The editor worked long and hard with me on that one, which was a new experience for me but I’m so pleased at the way it turned out. Thank goodness for editors!

        Liked by 1 person

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