blog, Dieting, Food-ish Writing
Comments 12

Eating for Muscle: What This Foodie Has Learned From Her Powerlifter Husband

I don’t usually identify myself as a foodie, but compared to my husband—who trains hard and subsists upon protein shakes and loads of lean meat—you might as well consider me one.

The diets of strength athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and the like are a gustatory world away from what most people eat, what the USDA would recommend, or what any food enthusiast would sanction. In my most recent Zester post, I pondered the nearly twelve years I’ve spent cooking and eating alongside this man I love, as he’s worked toward his athletic goals, boiling it down to six food rules that muscle building folks follow:

    1. Protein is king.
    2. Food is fuel.
    3. Taste is secondary.
    4. Cheating is part of the plan.
    5. Bulk is good.
    6. Meal prep is not cooking.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this dearly dedicated, but distinctly anti-foodie subculture. And as a silly supplement, here are some shots of my husband’s weekly meal prep (and his lifting).


Photo credits: Emily Contois, 2015


    • emilycontois says

      Thanks, Paula! I’m so glad you “get it” too. Your blog looks great! I’ll have to try some of your recipes. Best wishes as you keep blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

    • emilycontois says

      It’s been so interesting talking with people who balance these macro-first and foodie lifestyles. It sounds like you’re finding amazing places to eat in VA. Good luck with your blog!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. mycurriedkitchen says

    I enjoyed this post! At times my husband is the same especially with protein, but he is also a foodie and it is because of him I am also.


    • emilycontois says

      Thank you! I’ve so enjoyed hearing from folks about their experiences balancing these two very different ways of eating. Best wishes with your cooking and blogging adventures!

      Liked by 1 person

    • emilycontois says

      Aw shucks, thanks so much! And good luck if you try the way of protein. Combined with strength building exercise, it certainly works for some people!


  2. Ah, the protein and fitness dilemma… it’s hard to get enough veggie/vegan protein at times but I’ve never wanted to resort to shakes, hence why I probably only develop so much lean muscle. But heyho, I’m happy!


  3. This is such an interesting topic. I’m trying to figure out how to balance a healthy diet that will support Crossfit, but also get to eat all the “foodie” foods I want!


    • emilycontois says

      I’ve heard from so many folks trying to strike the same balance. Personally, I’m interested in what philosophies foodies might bring to “healthy” eating that could be productive for all eaters…

      Best of luck!


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